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10.10.2024: 🚀 Exciting news from Rodex Mechatronics! 🚀
We are proud to announce that we’ve joined SRIPToP – Factories of the Future! 🌐 This membership will allow us to collaborate with knowledge centers and work on cutting-edge projects involving future technologies. 🤖
With over 30 years of expertise in electro-mechanics, we are now diving into the world of robotics, focusing on Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV). These technologies are essential for the automation of production and the factories of the future, especially in Europe, where labor shortages drive the need for increased automation. ⚙️💡
We’re open to partnerships with innovative companies who share our vision for the future of robotics. Let’s connect and explore opportunities to collaborate! 🤝
#RodexMechatronics #SRIPToP #FactoriesOfTheFuture #Robotics #AMR #AGV #Automation #Innovation #Collaboration
10.10.2024: 🚀 Rodex Mechatronics se pridružuje združenju SRIPToP – Factories of the Future 🚀
Rodex Mechatronics z veseljem sporoča, da smo postali člani SRIPToP – Factories of the Future. Članstvo nam bo omogočilo tesnejše povezovanje z raziskovalnimi centri in sodelovanje na projektih, ki vključujejo napredne tehnologije prihodnosti.
Naše podjetje, z več kot 30-letnimi izkušnjami v elektro-mehaniki, zdaj vstopa na področje robotike, kjer raziskujemo potencial avtonomnih mobilnih robotov (AMR) in avtomatsko vodenih vozil (AGV). Obe tehnologiji sta nepogrešljivi za avtomatizacijo proizvodnje in tovarn prihodnosti, še posebej v Evropi, kjer bo zaradi pomanjkanja kadra avtomatizacija ključnega pomena. AMR roboti se lahko samostojno prilagajajo okolju, medtem ko AGV sledijo vnaprej določenim potem za učinkovit transport materialov.
Odprti smo za sodelovanje z inovativnimi podjetji, ki razmišljajo podobno in si želijo povezovanja ter izmenjave znanja. Vabimo vas, da nas obiščete na kavi in skupaj raziščemo možnosti sodelovanja ter izmenjave znanja!
11.9.2024: Rodex Mechatronics – 🍔 🍪 Specific legal requirements 🥘 🥐
Our products meet very specific customer requirements and associated market legislation application requirements.
These are regularly checked and we are proud to announce that our plastic parts are also compliant to Plastics Regulations specific for food industry.
Food industry is just one area where our products are used. We also supply plastic parts, inductive sensors, solenodis, transformers and other electromechanical components / assemblies to other industries, such as medical, automotive, e-mobility, industrial automation, metering, payment systems, etc.
#ManufacturingExcellence #InjectionMoulding #Automation #Manufacturing #Plastics #QualityControl #Efficiency #Safety #Flexibility
26.7.2024: 🚀 Exciting news Rodex Mechatronics 🚀
We are thrilled to announce that Milos Petkovic has been appointed as the new CEO of Rodex Mechatronics 🎉. Milos joined Rodex Mechatronics in November 2021 as an Operations Director. With his deep understanding of how to handle operations in challenging times and how to motivate the team to execute a strong vision, we are confident that Milos will lead Rodex Mechatronics to be recognized as a strategic development and production partner supporting established global companies operating in fast-growing sustainable industries by 2030.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our valued customers and partners for their continued trust and support. Together, we are poised for a future filled with growth and innovation. The road ahead is promising, and we are excited about the many groundbreaking projects on the horizon. We look forward to your continued support and active participation as we embark on this journey.
Join us in welcoming Milos Petkovic as the new CEO. Cheers to a bright future of Rodex Mechatronics! 🌟
#Leadership #Innovation #FutureForward #RodexMechatronics
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7.6.2024: Rodex Mechatronics – Company picnic
Our recent company picnic was a fantastic success! Spending time together outside the office not only strengthened our bonds 🤝 but also boosted our spirits and morale 😊.
Events like these are vital as they foster teamwork and promote a positive attitude, which directly benefits our customers. When we’re at our best, we deliver the best! 🚀
Thank you to everyone who made this day memorable. Here’s to more great times ahead! 🎉
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18.5.2024: Rodex Mechatronics – New automation! 🤖
In Rodex Mechatronics, innovation is really happening.
Another automation station has been recently introduced to our plastic injection moulding production. It brings further important steps in providing high-quality products and services to our valued customers.
Better efficiency ⚡, improved safety 🛡️, stable quality control 📊, higher flexibility 🔄, and cost optimizations 💰 are benefits that you get at Rodex Mechatronics.
#Innovation #Automation #Manufacturing #Plastics #QualityControl #Efficiency #Safety #Flexibility #CostOptimization 🌟🔧🛠️
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12.4.2024: Rodex Mechatronics – FURTHER STEPS IN TO AUTOMATISATION 🚀
We have recently released a brand new ENGEL Viper 12 robot into serial production 🤖.
Its main function is to remove the parts from the tool and place them on a conveyor belt🛷. One of its major benefits is easy adaption to the respective automation task in our injection moulding operation.
The end of arm tooling is also identified by means of RFID🏷️ and exchanged with a quick coupling.
Shorter cycle times⏱️, longer service life🔧, and more efficient production 📈- just some of the benefits that you can get if your choose Rodex Mechatronics as your partner 🤝 not just for plastic injection moulding, but also for coils, inductive sensors, actuators and electromechanic assemblies.
#Automation #Mechatronics #SmartManufacturing #InjectionMoulding #EfficientProduction #ManufacturingExcellence #RodexMechatronics #Engineering #RobotIntegration
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21.12.2023: Rodex Mechatronics – visit of Santa Clause – follow link
13.12.2023: Rodex Mechatronics and automatisation – follow link
In addition to basic measuring devices and a 3D coordinate machine, we utilize a 3D scanner for precise measurements. 💡✨
The 3D scanner streamlines measurement processes, ensuring rapid and precise results for products, electrodes, and inserts, thus increasing efficiency, enhancing accuracy, and providing customized solutions for our customers’ needs. 📈🎯💼
Contact us Rodex Mechatronics for more information and personalized offers. 📞
#RodexMechatronics #3DScan #ProductMeasurement #AdvancedTechnology #Production #Quality